One of the keys to being a connected, supported and informed neighbourhood is having an effective way to communicate with each other both in ‘Peace Time’ and in emergencies.
Many neighbourhoods have SMS or email groups, or communicate via social media messaging apps, for example, WhatsApp. Check in with your Neighbourhood Leader to see what’s happening in your neighbourhood.
And if you’d like some tips on setting up a communication channel with your pod or neighbourhood, you can find those here:
Instructions to set up a Communication Channel
Here’s a quick guide to the calling channels for your neighbourhood.
Community Groups
There are several community groups in the Greater Uki area on Facebook, which can be useful for staying up-to-date with things that are happening, including:
The Uki Community & News Group
Mount Burrell & Kunghur Community
Murwillumbah Matters (covering the wider region)
The Caldera Community Emergency Support Page
is a useful page to follow as it only shares information from official sources:
For more on where to get up-to-date information, visit the Emergency Resources section of our website.
Click to go to the Emergency Resources page
UHF radio network – When phone/internet are down
In order to keep communication lines open when the power, phone and internet are down, as happened in the 2022 floods, RUKI has been establishing an alternative communications system using UHF radio and satellite internet between the pods and neighbourhoods.
Dozens of community owned UHF radios have been distributed across the neighbourhood groups, to community leaders and easily isolated properties.
These are being boosted with antennas, where needed, to navigate our hilly terrain.
This radio network is a last resort and even a back up for communications within neighbourhoods and between neighbourhoods and any central hub during a disaster, especially when we find ourselves cut off from each other.
Within our neighbourhood groups, we have been conducting regular testing of our radio networks and to check where there might be black spots.
Your Neighbourhood Leader has a list of who has radios in your area but anyone who has a UHF radio is welcome to get involved.
If you would like to buy your own UHF radio, RUKI’s Communications Team has prepared this handy document that suggests a couple of options:
Using your Radio
RUKI’s Comms Team has put together some instructions on using your UHF radio, radio etiquette and a list of allocated channels depending on your neighbourhood.
It’s a good idea to download this so you’re still able to access it if networks are down and you don’t have satellite internet.
Download Comms Guide by clicking here
For further information regarding radios contact Bernd Langer via email vk2ia [at] (substitute [at] with @ symbol)