Leading through crisis into a resilient future for the Northern Rivers
RUKI's president Melanie Bloor and treasurer Geoffrey Colwill appeared in this recent article on the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation Website, following on from Melanie's participation in the The Leading Australian Resilient Communities program (LARC). LARC is a...
When disaster strikes …
Click on 'The Conversation' logo to read an interesting article about community responding to disaster.
Uki & Byrrill Creek leaders contribute to journal article
RUKI's President Melanie Bloor and Byrrill Creek CRT Team Leader Natascha Wernick authored a paper in the October 2023 edition of the Australian Journal of Emergency Management. Co-authored with Dr Mel Taylor, Associate Professor at Macquarie University and partner at...
Much to be thankful for in Neighbourhoods Project
After 12 months funding from Healthy North Coast, ‘The Neighbourhoods Project’ funded activity came to a close at the end of October. But that doesn't mean that the ‘neighbourhood groups’ themselves finish up. The whole idea behind the project was to set up a system...
Stomp celebrates our wonderful community
Stomp celebrates our wonderful community Nick Hanlon & Carmen Myler The Uki Stomp on 30th July was a fabulous community celebration, and we are delighted to announce after budget acquittal that we raised just over $18,000. Big thanks are due to everyone who...
Chainsaw Workshop
Please se details below for the upcoming 'Safe Use and Maintenance of Chainsaws' training.
Post Survey
Post-Survey for the Neighbourhoods Project. Measuring the Effect of the Community efforts. Please enter your information below. Scroll down until you reach SUBMIT. Thank You The Neighbourhoods Project is funded by Healthy North Coast through the North Coast PHN...